优秀的Book response该如何写?

公司新闻       时间:2021-02-18 15:58
大学预科当中,经常要写一些book response,这也是同学们比较头疼的一个问题。book response类似于我们所说的读书笔记,也是很多课程老师都会要求的内容。
今天我们来看一下一篇合格的book response 应该怎么写,大家可以进行模仿和学习,大家有任何关于英语语言学习的问题,可以随时和A加未来老师联系。

下面以《存在的结构》这本书为例,看一下如何针对这本书写book response:
In The Very Fabric of Existence, the author, Beverly Gordon, gives tones of examples of how textiles impact human civilization and religions. Almost in every culture, there are metaphors in which textiles take part in our daily life. The origin of textiles can go back to the time when human first built civilization.
The most interesting part to me in the article is when the author mentioned that most European portrayed a ‘good woman’ or housewife as those who are good at cloth-making, especially in the past. In the Tang Dynasty of China, there is a very famous poetry called You Zi Yin written by Jiao Meng. It mentioned that “The thread in the hands of a fond-hearted mother, makes clothes for the body of her wayward boy, which means the clothes made by mother for children is a symbol of caring and love.  What is more, women are always described as clothes in my culture because it symbolizes warmth, sweetness and softness. For example, there is a saying in China that daughters are as cozy and intimate as their fathers’ cotton-padded jacket.
It is universally thought that the clothes contain part of the soul of a person, so it will bring peace to the rest of the family if they burn them up when the owner pass away. For example, when my grandpa sadly died two years ago, my mother went to his house and collected clothes he most liked and frequently wore when he was alive. She took these clothes to cemetery to bury up because people from my mother’s hometown believe that by burning their belongings will help the dead to go to a better place more peacefully.

在《存在的结构》一书中,作者贝弗利·戈登(Beverly Gordon)举例说明了纺织品是如何影响人类文明和宗教的。几乎在每一种文化中,都有纺织品参与我们日常生活的隐喻。纺织品的起源可以追溯到人类最早建立文明的时候。




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